Flowerbed/Seasonal Clean-up

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It is important to take care of your yard throughout the year in order for it to stay healthy and look great. Seasonal yard clean-up and regular lawn maintenance are part of that prescription. ​​Landscaping needs periodic refreshing by removing weeds and dead plants, re-mulching, and clearing out overgrown areas. Doing so not only ensures a healthy, attractive looking lawn, but can also improve your property’s curb appeal. As the winter months approach, it’s the perfect time to get a seasonal clean-up for your yard.

One of the most important aspects of seasonal clean-up is the removal of weeds, leaves, and other debris. Overgrown and messy landscape beds can attract unwanted plants and weeds. If weeds are allowed to grow wildly, it can affect the health of your yard. Overgrown and messy landscape beds can also create a perfect shelter for unwanted visitors like insects and mice. On top of that, the buildup of weeds, leaves, and debris can ruin the look and feel of your lawn.

Another key aspect of seasonal clean-up is flowerbed renovation. Our technicians remove dead or unwanted plants and weeds and will clean out the debris. They also provide edging around plant beds and trees. This stops turf grass and weeds from growing into flower beds, or other unwanted areas. And it’s great for improving the curb appeal of your yard.

Trimming and pruning are also major aspects of seasonal clean-up. Trimming shrubs helps maintain a tidy appearance, and often aids flowering shrubs to bloom. Pruning is the practice of selectively removing parts of a tree or shrub in order to allow it to stay healthy and strong. Careful pruning removes damaged or dangerous limbs, and can improve the plant’s overall structure, and help with healthy growth. Our pruning and trimming services ensure that your plants stay healthy, and remain attractive throughout the year.

Mulching beds are another aspect to consider when it comes to  seasonal clean-up. A layer of mulch helps the beds look better, and improves the health of the plants. Mulch helps retain moisture for the plants, and adds additional organic material to the beds.

    Seasonal yard clean-up and regular lawn maintenance are important for your lawn’s overall health and look. Our seasonal clean-up will allow you to enjoy the beauty of your yard without having to put in the time-consuming labor. If you want to take your lawn to the next level, click here to find out more about our seasonal yard clean-up.

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